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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Recent Addictions

There are several things that I have become addicted to lately. First, let’s start off with the definition of addiction. Addiction can be taken as something negative; for example, when people have a psychological dependence on something. That is not that type of addiction I am talking about here. These types of addictions are a continued involvement where a person receives enjoyment or pleasure.
1.       Spin classes: I have been spending a lot of my free time at the gym. I always hear people talking so highly about spin classes. “They are a great way to challenge yourself”, “They really make you sweat”, “They are so fun and the trainers really make you work”. I figured I would give it a try. After my first spin class, I can say that my days revolve around spin classes. I have become so dedicated to the gym because the class makes me feel so good. All of those positive things I heard are very true. The people are so energized and enthusiastic that the aura of the room is filled with excitement. Spin classes truly are such a great workout and I highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for motivation to get involved at the gym.

2.       Cadbury Eggs: This time of year is so dangerous for my diet. I absolutely love chocolate and there is no better chocolate than Cadbury Eggs. Luckily, they only are on the shelves during Easter. I have been trying to eat healthy and every day I cannot resist my handful of Cadbury Eggs. The past two weeks I cannot describe how much candy I have eaten. However, I am happy to say that I finished the bag and will not be buying any more candy for the holiday.

3.       Afternoon naps: Ahhhh, the joy of afternoon naps. I cannot seem to break my habit of taking 3 hour afternoon naps. Every morning I wake up and I tell myself “I am not going to nap today”; however, it does not seem to work. I hate the feeling of knowing that I am wasting the day, but when 4 o’clock comes around, there is nothing more satisfying than the couch, a blanket and a reality show re-run. I think this may be an inherited problem. My mother seems to have the same issue, who always blames it on her mother, who also enjoys her afternoon naps. Luckily, I have a job which allows me the luxury of an afternoon nap.

These are only some of my recent addictions. What are yours?
1.       Addicted: continued involvement where a person received enjoyment or pleasure.
2.       Psychological dependence: dependence on a psychoactive drug
3.       Psychological: mental
4.       Dependence: a need for something; requirement
5.       Dedicated: devoted, committed
6.       Aura: atmosphere; feeling
7.       Motivation: enthusiasm, drive
8.       Dangerous: risky
9.       Luxury: a treat, indulgence
Use the vocabulary above to complete the sentences.
1.       Having an addiction causes a person to have __________________________ towards drugs.
2.       I think I am ________ to chocolate because I cannot stop eating it.
3.       There was so much tension in the room between the girls that it created a bad __________.
4.       I have so much ______________ for the gym because of the spin classes. They are so exciting that I look forward to getting out of bed in the morning.
5.       Not only is chocolate _____________ to my diet, but I also cannot stop eating ice cream. Ever since Ralph’s opened, I have been craving ice cream.
6.       When a person becomes addicted to drugs, it is more of a _______________ addiction opposed to an emotional one.
7.       It is important that students are _____________ to their school work in order to pass the class.
8.       Not only is Easter a ____________ time for me, but so is Christmas because I love to eat candy canes. They are not healthy for you either.
9.       Some people have the __________ of a gym in their home. That is so convenient not having to leave your home to workout.
Grammar Point
Much vs. Many
Much is used when talking about things that are singular (uncountable nouns).  Uncountable nouns do not take an article and do not have a plural form. (Sugar, cheese, wine, money)
I drank so much coffee today.
Many is used when talking about things that are plural (countable nouns). Countable nouns in the singular take the article a or an and can be plural. (Dog/s, apple/s, car/s etc.)
I drank so many cups of coffee today. Do you notice the difference?

In the reading above I used a sentence with the word ‘much’. Pick out the sentence and tell me why I used the word ‘much’ and not ‘many’. After, practice here by creating 5 sentences using much vs. many. If you are having difficulty, look at this website for more practice.


  1. I can totally agree with new and all time favorite addictions. Especially the Cadbury eggs. Ha! I love the way your blog is set up. Se you later on i class, Amanda!!

  2. Thank you! I like yours as well. :) See you Tuesday
